Summer time is the time for picnics, dinner guests, meals on the back deck, and get togethers of every kind. So be prepared for those events with these smart pre-meal pairings for your upcoming events.
If you spend as much time with produce and perishables as we do, you learn what fresh foods are best to eat year round. So as we enter summer, here’s a quick guide to thinking, shopping, and buying early summer fruits. (more…)
We know that the pots at Tacoma Boys and H & L Produce are beautiful as stand alone decorations, or as homes for thousands of kinds of plants, and even a series of vegetable starts. But an unsung hero for the foodie and young family is easy access to herbs. So here is our quick guide to a do it yourself herb garden. (more…)
Potting plants and herbs is a terrific way to garden that doesn’t depend on the yard that surrounds your home. So here are some tips for how to make your gardening and planting successful. (more…)
Aside from their beauty, there are so many ways to use our ceramic pots in your home and garden. Here are a handful of the reasons that we love potting! (more…)
There is a lot more to picking flowers than finding the best deal. Here are a few quick tips for picking the right flowers and plants when you’re out shopping.
(more…)As Mother’s Day, and all of the Graduations approach, before we get to the distinction of which flowers are best, we’ve got to know if flowers are a good gift, or just an easy out.
(more…)Finding the right partnerships in business is a serious task. So here are a few things that we look for when partnering with growers and manufacturers across the country, that helped us work so well with DeGoede Brothers.
Walking through the produce section of a specialty grocer like Tacoma Boys or H&L Produce is an eye opening experience for some. Beyond organic bananas and tomatoes, there is an amazing assortment of fruits and veggies that many people have never heard of! Shallots are one of theses great everyday food items that, for some reason, have remained under the radar for many Americans.
Ever feel a little lost around a little known fruit or vegetable? Fear not, we are here to help! If you are ever unsure of how to prepare a food item, or what it may be for, make sure to ask one of our skilled staff. We love to help our customers.
Shallots are like small, delicious, less pungent, onions. They won’t make you cry – and as you may have guessed are a great alternative to onions in any number of dishes. Once you start using them you may find yourself purchasing them on each trip to your specialty market. Check out our Weekly Specials!
Hints of Garlic and Onion.
Shallots are part of the Allium family of vegetables, which include onions, leeks and garlic. They have a more delicate flavor than onions with a hint of garlic. They even look a bit like large garlic cloves when prepared, but are much easier to eat whole.

Shallots Melt Into Your Meals
Unlike onions, which maintain their shape and texture when cooked, shallots are quicker to break down when cooked. This is a good thing. It means they become part of the meal instead of sitting separate in the mix. The creamy texture of the shallot, when cooked, is pleasant on the palate. This sensation, matched with their delicate, yet rich, flavor make the shallot an excellent ingredient.
A Great Substitute
Shallots are a great substitute for onions in any number of dishes. Make sure to try them out in your favorite meals and let us know how it goes!

The Easiest of Recipes
Looking for an easy way to prepare your shallots? It’s as simple as rinsing them, with the skins on. Hand place them on a rimmed baking sheet. Heat your oven to 425 degrees. Once the oven is ready, insert the tray of shallots into the oven and cook for about 20 minutes, or until the skins are golden brown and the shallots are tender when probed with a fork or knife. Remove and enjoy!
These roasted beauties are ready to be enjoyed on their own or with any number of dishes. Remember they have a milder flavor than onions or garlic, so you are more likely to eat them on their own.
Olive Oil & Salt
Want to get a little more complicated? Peel the shallots, then toss them in olive oil with a generous amount of salt. Roast these at 425 degrees until tender. If you like you can slice the shallots in half, leaving their inner beauty exposed. This also allows for a shorter cooking time.
Shallots Across The World
It is believed that shallots first came to Europe from the middle east, during the 12th century. Today there are over 10 varieties available in France. In Indonesia, shallots are often pickled and served with meals. Shallots are well loved in Iran where they are often crushed into yogurt or grilled on kebabs.

Local Specialty Markets Offer Shallots
At Tacoma Boys and H&L Produce we are proud to offer our community the freshest and best ingredients for their day to day lives, including shallots! If you’ve never been into one of our South Sound locations, make sure to stop in soon! We have a wide selection of beers and wines, chocolates, canned foods, meats and cheeses and more! Look around our website and check out our social media on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
When you search for a “butcher near Tacoma,” do you consider the different services they may offer, and ways they cut and season the meat? Here are 5 things a butcher can do to improve your meat market experience.
A recent USDA study found that pre-packaged meat (the stuff on Styrofoam, wrapped in plastic) had over 211 different drug residues. Why? Because those meats are sourced from “factory farms”.
So, if you’re not interested in eating meat with residual antibiotics and hormones, then it’s time to visit your local butcher!
Sourcing meat from a local butcher near Tacoma is an easy and sustainable way to incorporate organic meats into your meals.
Read on for the 5 things you didn’t know you could ask your Tacoma butcher.

1. They Cut and Tenderize for You
Some cuts or dishes require special equipment (like a bone saw). If you don’t have one of those in the depths of your pantry, there’s no need to fret.
Just ask your butcher to cut or tenderize the meat for you.
They’ve got the necessary equipment and space. Plus, it’ll save you a load of prep time once you get home.
2. They Season Your Meat for You
Who better to season the meat than a person who works with meat for a living?
At Tacoma Boys and H&L Produce we have our own brand of rubs and sauces that perfectly pair with the cut you’re looking for. Most butchers have their favorites for beef, pork and chicken.
All you have to do is ask, and prior to the packaging, the butcher can season the meat to perfection.
Now that the meat is cut and seasoned, it just leaves the cooking to you! All you have to do is gather your ingredients and recipe to get dinner going.

3. Your Butcher Near Tacoma Can Special Order
Are you looking for something a little out of the norm? Maybe a goose or a turducken (that would be a chicken inside a duck, inside a turkey)?
Ask the butcher! They can work miracles behind the meat counter.
They may not have what you want on hand, but if you give them a few days’ notice, they can most likely order it for you!
If you’re short on time, you can always give one of our stores a call and the meat department will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
4. They can Teach You a Thing or Two
Some people avoid the butcher counter because they don’t know what kind of meat to ask for or what to do with it once they get it home. If that sounds like you, it’s okay! Just tell the butcher.
It’s actually a lot of fun for us if you have no idea what you’re looking for. It’s like giving an artist a blank canvas and letting them create a masterpiece. The butcher might ask you some questions like:
- Which cuisines you typically enjoy?
- What type of dish you’re looking to cook?
- What’s your skill level?
The butcher can then offer suggestions as and instructions on the best way to prepare the cut.
The average American consumes about 200 lbs. of meat each year. So, you might as well learn how to shop for it, and cook it well!

5. Your Butcher Can Help You be Environmentally Friendly
Last but not least, a butcher near Tacoma can help you source your meat sustainably. They know that purchasing an entire animal from a local and reputable farmer is the best way to guarantee that the meat is a high quality and doesn’t get wasted.
If you don’t live with 12 other people, then buying a whole cow or pig is unrealistic. One option is to find a group of friends who are interested and having a butcher divide, package, and prepare the animal into equal parts for the whole group.
You’ll have fresh, frozen, meat for an entire year!
Now Try it Out!
At Tacoma Boys and H&L Produce, we are proud to be an amazing option when looking for a Butcher near Tacoma. Not only do we offer an amazing meat section, but thousands of labels of beer and wine, fresh produce, and amazing specialty food items. Not to mention our ceramic pottery, floral and planting options.
Come and visit one of our expertly trained butchers, and embrace what Tacoma Boys and H&L Produce are proud to offer the greater Tacoma area. You’ll never find our meats under plastic or on Styrofoam plates. Our all-natural deli case meats are fresh, organic and hand wrapped, just like in the old days.
Read Next: 5 Easy Meals You Can Make in Minutes