Planning Your Edible Fall and Winter Garden
As the days shorten and cool off, it’s easy to assume that your gardening days are done for the year. However, there are plenty of plants that thrive in these exact conditions. Tacoma Boys Markets are here to help you stretch your growing season. Check out what you can plant this week to set up your edible Fall and Winter Garden.
What to Plant Now & How to Enjoy Eating It…

Arugula is a sprinter in the garden world. It takes less than a month to grow from seed to harvest. Sow some now then cut it back to enjoy in salads, pizza, or in your sandwich. It will grow right back after you cut it, so you can enjoy another crop.
Three ways to enjoy Arugula:

Though you won’t be able to sow and reap full sized carrots this late in the season, you can still enjoy baby carrots throughout the winter. Sow seed generously and thin baby carrots throughout the fall and winter. Remaining carrots will have more room to grow and you can harvest full sized carrots later in the spring.
Three ways to enjoy Baby Carrots:
Root Vegetable Salad with Thinned Carrots

Mustard Greens
Mustard greens add a nice, peppery punch to salads and are rich in Vitamins A and K. Mustard seeds germinate and grow quickly, making them a great addition to your fall and winter garden. Sow mustard seeds through September to produce a fall crop for your enjoyment.
Three ways to enjoy Mustard Greens:
Southern Mustard Greens with Smoked Turkey

Radishes are another sprinter of the garden world. They take less than a month to grow from seed to maturity. Plant a crop now and again in two weeks to squeeze two crops in before freezing temps arrive.
Three ways to enjoy Radishes:

Shallots and Chives
Both of these plants in the allium family can be planted until early November and remain in the garden to be harvested as desired. If you already have them growing, you can also divide them and multiply the areas they are grown in your garden.
Three ways to enjoy Shallots and Chives:

Garlic, Onions, Spinach, and Kale
These can be planted in the fall to overwinter and enjoy next spring and summer. If you are the type that likes to plan ahead, get these going so you can feel proud of yourself in several months when you begin harvesting.
Three ways to enjoy Garlic, Onions, Spinach, and Kale:
If you’re lamenting the coming of winter, planting a garden can help change your outlook. Harness these remaining days of sunlight and relative warmth and you’ll reap a reward on those cold days ahead. We still have a great stock of plants, seeds, compost and gorgeous ceramic pots. You can find everything you need for your edible Fall and Winter garden–including the help of knowledgeable staff–here at Tacoma Boys Markets.