What Are the Cheapest Fruits for Juicing?
Top 5 Cheapest Fruits
Did you know the juice industry in the United States topped $10 billion in 2015? That’s a lot of juice.
There’s been a recent trend of juicing. It’s sweeping across the nation. And with good reason: Homemade juices are the perfect way to start your morning. If you’re new to this, it may be worth checking out sites like Juice Buff to find beginner juice recipes, using fresh fruit and vegetables. There’s so much that can be done with a juicer!
You know what makes your freshly pressed juices better? When you can juice on a budget. Here’s a list of the cheapest fruits for pressed juices.
Here are some amazingly delicious fruits you should start juicing right now.
Watermelon is by far the best fruit for your buck. A cup of watermelon juice clocks in at just 17 cents. It’s a super sweet fruit, rich in antioxidants and incredibly affordable.
Watermelon is a great base to start with, as you create your own juice recipes.
Bananas are a classic go to ingredient, no matter if you’re juicing, making a smoothie, or baked item. They are delicious and a great option to replenish your body with potassium after a run or workout.
When you are not using them for juice, bananas are a great quick energy snack to have around the house, or take on the go. They even come with their own bio-degradable wrapper!
Bananas come in at 21 cents per edible cup of juice. Add this versatile fruit to your nutrition arsenal.
Another sweet, cheap choice are pears. They come in at just 42 cents per cup of juice. A cool thing about pears is that their juice is chock full of fiber, which helps with digestion. With a lot of other juices, you actually lose a great deal of fiber, so adding pears to your juice is a great fix!
Add a ton of flavor to your juices and stay regular with the inclusion of pears.
Click for juices that help constipation.
Oranges are very popular. They are probably second or third behind bananas and apples. Unlike apples, however, oranges are really inexpensive. They provide lots of juice per orange, and can keep for a long time after being purchased.
Oranges are also the base ingredient for one of our favorite smoothie recipes!
For a long-term juicing option, go with oranges.
While it may not be your first choice, honeydew melon is a cheap and healthy choice. At 45 cents per cup of juice, it tastes really good once pressed.
You may be surprised to learn that honeydew melon it’s a good source of potassium and calcium. Honeydew melon helps to regulate insulin levels and is low in glucose, despite having a sweet flavor.
Whenever you want to switch things up, give watermelon’s less favored sibling a try.
Veggies are Good to Juice Too (Top 5)
While fruits give you the fructose sugar you crave, it’s veggies that pack the most nutritional punch. Vegetables are loaded with micronutrients and are low in calories. Consider adding these inexpensive vegetables to your juicing routine:
Nutritional and cost-effective, you can add cabbage to your juice with barely any flavor. Pair it with a tasty fruit and you’re all set. Plus, like oranges, cabbage can keep for a long time.
Another tasteless, nutritious option is cauliflower. At 31 cents per cup, it’s a simple way to get your cruciferous veggie quota met. Even if you don’t appreciate it in its raw form, broccoli’s dense white brother packs a nutrient-fueled punch in juice.
For soups, stews, and juices; carrots are extremely versatile and inexpensive. Buy whole carrots instead of baby ones and you’ll pocket some extra change. A great on-the-go snack has turned into your new favorite juice!
How to store Carrots.
Affordable easy nutrition is what celery is all about. At 33 cents per cup, it’s a great source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It does wonders for your digestive system and colon. Use this sneaky veggie in fruit juices and give your tonic a boost.
Lastly, we have a weird yet intriguing option in onions.
This is for those hardcore juicers; even though it’s one of the cheapest vegetables on the market, it provides a spice that might be surprising in a juice. Proceed with caution, but take comfort in the fact that you’re getting great nutrition.
Click to learn the benefits of onion juice.

Benefits of Juicing
With our lives being so busy, it can be difficult to take time in prepping healthy meals. Juicing is an efficient way to ingest a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
Nutritionists suggest that we consume variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Consuming fruits and veggies is a healthy, natural way to get the essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need to heal and grow. Plus, if you’re opting for a more healthy lifestyle, this is a great place to start. For more tips, visit kcssonline.org and build the healthiest lifestyle possible.
What is a Juice Fast?
Fruits and vegies are packed full of healthy vitamins and minerals. They are also full of fiber, which is beneficial but can actually distract your digestive system from absorbing those vitamins and minerals.
People often go on a juice fast to detox their body, lose weight or boost their immune system. One of the benefits of healthy fasting is that it resets your digestive system. It allows the good bacteria in your gut to get balanced. It also helps your body to purge the toxins. This is why fasting is often referred to as detoxing. Detoxing does have many health benefits. This often leads to people trying to detox too soon, causing some health issues. Detoxing should be a gradual process, however, some people do try and detox quickly. To learn about some of these potential health issues, you could read some of the symptoms of detoxing too fast online. Hopefully, this will help you to avoid detoxing too quickly, allowing your body to begin detoxing safely.
A juice fast is a great option in that it provides your body and digestive system with essential nutrients, minus the workload of fiber. It is important — when going on any kind of diet or fast — to make sure you stay healthy.
Click to learn more about Juice Fasting.
Use These Cheapest Fruits and Vegetables in Your Next Juice!
Wake up in the morning and feel great! Get some fresh, high-quality, inexpensive juice in your system. Your family and friends will appreciate your healthy lifestyle!
We hope this article helps you build an affinity for juicing without breaking the bank! Bookmark and review this list of the cheapest fruits for your juicing routine.
Check out Tacoma Boys’ produce lineup today, and feel free to stop in and ask us some questions! We love getting to know our customers.
nice article …..
best affordable vegetable and fruits for juice
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