Hanging Baskets in Spring: Raising Up The Family Tradition
As Mother’s Day approaches, take the celebrated tradition of gifting flowers up a notch by buying Mom a gift that will last and be a talking point for months! Hanging baskets are the way to go for the Mom in your life this year.
Tacoma Boys has a proud tradition of delivering quality products, and no product exemplifies that confidence better than our hanging baskets!
We love Mom. Mom loves flowers. But this year, we want that token of our affection to last longer than cut flowers in a vase. So let’s gather our families together and learn about hanging baskets.
Why Hanging Baskets?
This is not about bashing fresh cut flowers. We proudly sell a wide assortment of bouquets throughout the year, and if you are interested in the best ways to care for that arrangement you just bought, we’ve got you covered there too! But hanging baskets are a botanical world of there own, so here are three quick reasons that we love them so much.
Big & Beautiful
Hanging baskets are just gorgeous. They can grow as much as you want them to, depending on the plant, the basket, where you place them and the care that you give them. And they are so colorful. Nothing attracts the eye more on a Spring day than a lovely fuschia basket hanging on a front porch or displayed in a nice garden arrangement.
Hanging baskets are not baby plants. Beautiful flowering plants are started in a local nursery, where they are grown in protected environments, hand potted in a basket, and delivered to Tacoma Boys and H&L Produce. So the trick to getting your basket to last from Spring, into Summer, and maybe even to Fall is care. Properly cared for, hanging baskets can produce months of brilliance.
Just Right For Right Now
Spring has sprung, semesters of school are almost done, and the season of celebrating Mom has come. And all three of those reasons are perfect for hanging baskets. And the synchronization of Mother’s Day with Spring makes that weekend a perfect time to revive your gardens, yards, and porches. It’s almost like Mother Nature wants you to garden in her honor.
With Greater Floral, Comes Greater Responsibility
And since we are talking about gardening, hanging baskets, and the worthwhile venture into plant upkeep, let’s take a minute to talk about the best ways to keep those hanging baskets beautiful all summer long.

This might seem a little straightforward, but plants need water. And basket planting is no different. The trick is to water often. Too much water can kill a plant. Not enough water kills them too. So here is the super quick guide to watering hanging baskets: ensure the basket has drainage holes, see if the top layer of soil is dry to the touch, water until there is water coming from the drainage holes, & avoid placing your baskets in standing water.
If you’re watering well, you’re also washing out the nutrients your plant needs to survive. That’s where fertilizer comes in. And while the fertilizer serves the necessary function of supplying the hanging basket with much needed nutrition, it also ensures plant growth and beautiful blooms. So consider fertilizer a much-needed component for your botanical investments.
A well-watered, fertilized basket needs to be maintained. Simple clearing away of debris from the topsoil layer is good, if you can work down to it, but the more necessary maintenance step is deadheading. To do this, as your plants blooms begin to fade, pinch off or cut the stem just below the dying bloom. This process allows for fuller blooms and keep the plants healthier throughout their life.
Really, the only other mitigating circumstance to the health of your hanging basket might be in the planning. Are you hanging the basket in a place that always gets full sunlight? Or will this beauty be camped out somewhere shady. Knowing where you want your Mother’s Day basket to sit or hang may be what helps you determine the plant you need and the care required.
Come See Us!
Unashamedly, we love hanging baskets. We display them all around each of our locations and care for them meticulously, until they are off to your homes and offices. That being said, Tacoma Boys and H&L Produce are honored to be your resources for plant care, upkeep, and troubleshooting. So if you have specific questions about plants, locations, colors and anything else, stop on in and ask us today!
[…] pergola, hanging baskets will greet your mother with color and cheer every time she steps outside. Hanging baskets are a great alternative to potted plants if space on the ground is limited, as in a small patio or […]
[…] to choose from. And if you find yourself with some care questions, give us a call or check out our previous article on caring for hanging […]
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